Mary of Galilee Church, Cnr Qinliven and How Rds, ALDINGA : St Peter's Church, Cape Jervis Rd, NORMANVILLE :
St Joseph's Church, St Jude's St, WILLUNGA

PO Box 14, WILLUNGA, SA 5172 : Phone 8556 2132 : Email

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The Pastoral Council consists of the Priest together with a group of parishioners chosen by him. The Pastoral Council’s role is to promote the Church’s mission to live and communicate the love and values of Christ in our world. The Pastoral Council shares in the responsibility for the ongoing life and development of the faith community, working together with parishioners to provide support for their efforts to live as followers of Christ.

Mrs Christine McWilliams (Phone 0451 144 776)

The Parish Finance Council instigates and maintains a financial management system for the parish including a budget. The Council works within parameters of current assets, projected income and expenditure and material parish needs. It monitors and reviews income and expenditure on a regular basis. It makes recommendations to safeguard and maintain parish assets, both real and fixed, and also ensures appropriate health and safety standards are met on parish property. The Council is a consultative body and as such strives to operate in a supportive and collaborative role with the Parish Priest in the interests of the parish and within guidelines laid down by the archdiocese. This in keeping with the co-responsibility of the laity in the mission and ministry of the Church. Members of the Parish Finance Council are appointed by the parish priest. They should be able persons with a good sense of stewardship who have a keen sense of parish interests.

Mr Dolek Thiele (Phone 0419 844 693)

The Pastoral Teams in our Parish Community work to ensure that the pastoral needs of each community are served. Members see that visits to parishioners who are hospitalised, in Nursing Homes or housebound occur, and that opportunities for social gathering of the community are planned.

• Mary of Galilee, Aldinga
..Contact: Sr Margaret Ann Connelly (Phone 0488 287 552)

• St Peter's, Normanville
..Contact: Mrs Mary Kennedy (Phone 0409 678 715)

• St Joseph's, Willunga
..Contact: Sr Margaret Ann Connelly (Phone 0488 287 552)

Parishioners willing to help with all the Ministries associated with the Mass are always welcome. Please contact the Parish Office during office hours if you would like to assist in any way.

***These Ministries include:
• Welcome - to welcome people at the Church doors at weekend Masses
• Commentators
• Readers
• Musicians
• Overhead Projector operators
• Ministers of the Eucharist - to assist with the distribution of communion at Mass and take communion to the sick and housebound
• Cuppa after Mass - parishioners are encouraged to stay for a cuppa after Mass on the first Sunday of the month at Willunga and the second
..Sunday of the month at Normanvile. Helpers are needed to set up beforehand and to tidy up afterwards.
• Collectors - to take up collections
• Counters - to process planned giving envelopes and collections
• Laundry (altar cloths, etc)
• Flowers / Altar / Cleaning

*** Some of these ministries are not required while Covid-19 restrictions apply.